Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson


Summary (in my words): The story follows the main character, Melinda who has a very unique voice throughout. We watch her face the everyday struggles of being a social outcast in a place most everyone feels the need to be accepted in: school. And all because of an unforgivable social disaster.

Melinda called the police at a party last summer.

She’s now falling down the rabbit hole of losing friends and the appetite to talk. She just needs to close herself up and off because no one can know the reason why she called the police at that party.


Review: This book is beautifully written, from the start to end. Melinda is described well enough that her personality is seen vividly on every page. Anderson has created an individual voice for every character. Although I thoroughly enjoyed the writing style, I felt like it didn’t stick very much to the topic at hand. What I mean by that is the book spent quite a bit of time developing Melinda’s character and some of her past rather than the events described in the book description. It is understandable though and does pack quite the punch in buildup when we finally find out what exactly happened at that party.


Rating: 9 out of 10


( It’s been a while since I’ve posted a review, I know. I’ve been working on my writing on a site called Wattpad, and just haven’t found the time for much else.)

Until my next review!



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